Welcome to Maple Run Condominiums

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Wonderful Holiday Season

to everyone in the Maple Run Community!

Link to new property management owner site:     https://owner.eclipsecommunities.com/


To avoid parking issues for residents having holidays parties:

Guest should first use guest parking before street parking.

If additional space is needed, guest can park ‘only’ one side of the street in the immediate area of the resident’s party. Please avoid using additional street parking other than your immediate area allowing for other resident’s guest to park. 

No driveways should be blocked.

No parking on roadway coming into the entrance of Maple Run.

No parking close to the exit off of Maple Run.

Additional parking ideas: The cul-de-sac off of Old Spring Valley or maybe a neighbor will allow resident to use their driveway for extra guest.

SAVE THE DATE!! Maple Run Holiday Gathering Sunday, December 15.  More info on Calendar.

Due to many trees retaining their leaves, the gutter cleaning will most likely be done in December.  

Limited property management contact - 
more information is posted on the Community News page.

Road Courtesy

Please have consideration for residents, guests, workers, children and small animals that may be using our roads.  Please stop at any stop signs in the community and go at a reasonable speed when in the community.  The posted speed limit is 14 mph in the Maple Run Community.  Also please inform any guests of these road rules.

COA Board Members (and future) have a new requirement from Ohio called the Corporate Transparency Act.  There are now forms that must be filled out by all board members and we want you to be aware of this requirement.  There is an article on the Community News page with information provided as to this new legal requirement.

The irrigation system has had it's "startup" done today.  due to the staggering of areas, most areas should be watered by this weekend.  There are still some areas to be worked on so if yours is not, it will be done as soon as possible.   Note: everyone out there is having issues with getting irrigation work done this year.

Update: The board finalized the irrigation contract with TRGear last week, so hopefully, we can be scheduled for startup this week.  Mel and Bev Peaso (Bev is our board secretary) will donate a redbud tree to replace the dead trees on the corner of Maple and Acer.  


A reminder:    Do not stop the landscaping workers for requests, questions, or extra work.  They have a job to do that is specific.   If you have any extra requests, questions or comments – Please direct them to PA   Deborah Ferris - P.A. Property Management       (937) 432-9050 ext. 2   [email protected]

Special requests require an estimate and approval from the board.

Update on Roof Replacement
Some issues that might arise when getting the roof replaced—They will need access to outside electrical outlet for compressor and saw. The workers arrive early at 7:00 a.m., and if you need your vehicle, please use the overflow parking before their arrival, as their equipment, shingles, etc…, will obstruct your driveway until approximately 9:00 pm. One of the driveways will have all the shingles that are delivered on the first day and will be there until they are finished. Last, it is loud and they start immediately tearing off shingles upon arrival.  

Hinkle Roofing on Monday inspected every roof at MR. They identified and will take care of any problems (i.e., caulking, missing shingles, loose shingles, etc.). 

Downspout Problems
To avoid an incomplete work order and costs, please make sure your outside faucet is turned on. Jeremy cannot check to determine if the issue is corrected without water.

Clarification of Future Condo Fees
For homeowners that did not attend MR’s May meeting, Mary has uploaded a spreadsheet to forecast future costs and condo fees. These figures are subject to change depending on increase or decrease costs of future services, insurance, and repairs. 

Seasonal Reminders:

*****Landscaping by Residents (from owners handbook)

All lawn enhancements should complement the home without looking over decorated. Please keep all items tasteful without creating a nuisance or becoming offensive to others.  Any landscaping concerns should be sent to the attention of our management company.

Landscaping by a unit owner shall be limited to planting annual or perennial flowers (not shrubs) within the mulched area adjacent to the owner's unit.

Modifying any other mulched area, including the area between adjacent unit's driveways is not authorized. To plant flowers between adjacent unit’s driveways requires permission by adjacent unit owner each year. If owner objects you may not plant flowers in the area or if he/she objects after planting, you must remove them and restore area to original condition.

Sowing grass seed in common areas, even to patch thin grass areas is strongly discouraged but if done, only fescue blend or sports blend must be used.

Mowing of the lawns by residents is not allowed.

Shrub/bush trimming is a scheduled maintenance item that is the responsibility of the Association. Trimming by residents is therefore highly discouraged and any resulting damage would be their responsibility.

Homeowners are responsible for trimming shrubs and bushes that are not part of the original landscaping; unless the plants were contracted with our landscape company to install them.

Lawn Enhancing Decorations:

  1. a) Up to four (4) Sheppard Hooks used for any combination bird feeders, seasonal hanging plants, and wind chimes which shall be within the mulched area around each unit or within three (3) feet of the unit or patio exterior edge. Finch bird feeders are recommended since finch seed does not attract squirrels to the homes. Wind chimes should be of reasonable size not to cause noise issues with neighbors. Note: only one shepherds hook can be in the front mulched bedding facing the street and all others are to be located in the side or rear mulched areas of the home.
  2. b) One (1) bird bath no larger than 27” high by 23” diameter within the mulched areas next to the home only.
  3. c) Decorative plant containers and similar holders on the ground are permitted and may be placed in the mulched area adjacent to the unit, on unit’s sidewalks, driveway, porch, or patio. Up to eight (8) decorative containers may be used in the front portion of the unit and up to twelve (12) decorative containers may be used in the rear portion of the unit; for a total of twenty (20) flowerpots. Decorative containers may not be placed on grass areas.
  4. d) Up to two (2) of the total twelve (12) decorative containers behind the owner’s unit may be used for vegetable plants. These containers must be no more than 24” in both diameter and height. Such containers can only be placed on the back patio area or in a mulched bed located directly behind the owner’s unit.
  5. e) With exception of hanging plant holders, all items not listed above and placed in mulched areas adjacent to the unit will be considered yard art. The following yard art items are allowed without approval:  one (1) small garden flag up to 14” x 20”, up to three (3) flat stones or decorative  items on the ground, and up to five (5) small garden art items on stakes or as small statues. Items on stakes can be up to one (1) foot by one (1) foot wide and including stake can be up to 36” high. Statues can be up to two (2) feet high by one (1) foot wide.

Reminder to keep items tasteful and do not use any décor that can be considered a nuisance or offensive to others to prevent any objections. All yard art present prior to April 2022 that meets the requirements of specified size in above  paragraph is grandfathered in. Any other item still must be submitted for approval.

Please note that any deviations from these regulations must be approved by the board. Owners are to request approval by submitting a completed “Application for Improvement" form. See attached form that can also be obtained electronically from our management company.


Regarding bird nests on your units -  we will not remove any nest that has been completed and has eggs or baby birds. Homeowners can call once the nest is empty, and we will have them removed. Please be aware that ducks are also looking to build their nest around your flower beds.

Suncatchers and shiny ribbons in the area may keep birds from your window areas.